WILD 5 Program Overview

Create an account using your email address. It’s free, and we won’t ask for any personal information.

Measure your wellness using the HERO Wellness Scale to see where you are now.

Choose a start date. Please note, you will need to complete this step to activate Daily Tracking.

Learn about the 5 wellness practices in WILD 5:

Complete two HERO Exercises each day in your notebook to enrich your levels of Happiness, Enthusiasm, Resilience, and Optimism

Track your wellness journey every day with our easy tracker

After completing the 30-day program, find out how much your wellness has changed by completing the HERO Wellness Scale

Tips for Success

Before you begin the program, we encourage you to do the following:

  • Consult with your healthcare provider.
  • Review the website to understand the program.
  • Make sure you have a notebook to use throughout the program.

Get your buddies on board

  • Consider finding a wellness buddy to join you on your path to wellness.
  • Consider informing friend(s)/family member(s) about participation in the program to gain their support.

A few more helpful tips

  • Consider putting a reminder alert on your calendar to make sure you complete your daily wellness practices and HERO Exercises.
  • Consider doing some of your wellness practices outside in nature as this can be very healing.