WILD 5 is based on research.

What does the research tell us about WILD 5?

Let us show you the evidence. Everything we are sharing with you has been presented at national and international mental health meetings as research presentations and posters.

Our data show that people who completed WILD 5 reported these health improvements:


We set out to create a program based on sound science.

To create and test the WILD 5 program, we studied the wellness practices in different settings, over 10 years, in different groups of people, such as:

  • People with a mental health condition, such as depression, anxiety, or insomnia (trouble sleeping)
  • People with chronic (long-lasting) pain
  • People who wanted to improve their mental wellness and did not have a mental health condition or chronic pain
  • People with rheumatoid arthritis
  • Licensed nurses in the state of Texas who were experiencing mental health challenges or substance use disorders
  • College students
  • Healthcare providers wanting to elevate their wellness and experience the program firsthand

We used recognized measures from the mental health field to assess how well WILD 5 increased wellness and reduced psychological and physical symptoms.

Did we succeed in creating an effective, scientifically-based wellness program? Yes, we did. We hope that our findings will motivate you to commit to this proven path to wellness.

WILD 5 is one of only three scientifically-based wellness programs. The other two programs are Drs. Tayyab Rashid and Martin Seligman's Positive Psychotherapy and Dr. Giovanni Fava's Well-Being Therapy.

Research Supporting WILD 5 for Healthcare Professionals:

  • Jain, S., Jain, R., Kumar, L.M. (2015, November). WILD 5 Wellness: Impact of a Five-Pronged 30-Day Wellness Program on Mood, Mindfulness, Sleep Behavior, Social Connectedness, Emotional Eating and Mental Wellness for Individuals On, and Not on Psychotropics. Poster session presented at US Psych Congress Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
  • Jain, S., Jain, R., Kumar, L.M. (2015, November). WILD 5 Wellness: Impact of a Five-Pronged (Exercise, Mindfulness, Sleep, Social Connectedness & Nutrition) 30-Day Wellness Program on Mood, Mindfulness, Sleep Behavior, Social Connectedness, Emotional Eating and Mental Wellness. Poster session presented at US Psych Congress Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
  • Jain, S., Daniels, N., Gonzales, A., Grantham, S., Simpson, J.A., Veenhuizen, J., Jain, R. (2016, October). Effectiveness of a 30-day Wellness Program in Individuals with Chronic Pain, with and without Mental Illness. Poster session presented at US Psych Congress Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
  • Jain, S., Daniels, N., Gonzales, A., Grantham, S., Simpson, J.A., Veenhuizen, J., Jain, R. (2016, October). Description of the WILD 5 Wellness Program and Its Utility in Individuals Suffering from a Psychiatric Illness: Results from a 30-Day Intervention with an Optional 90-Day Extension. Poster session presented at US Psych Congress Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.
  • Girard, T., Klawitter, C., Bergstrom, R.A., Lopez, S., Esperanza, J.S., Nikora, R., Raison, C., Jain, R., Jain, S. (2017, September). Application of WILD 5, A Wellness Intervention at Beloit College, Wisconsin Student Population. Poster session presented at US Psych Congress Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  • Jain, S., Cole, S., Girard, T., Raison, C., Jain, R. (2017, September). HERO Wellness Scale: Examining the Validity and Reliability of a New Mental Wellness Scale. Poster session presented at US Psych Congress Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  • Jain, S., Rollin, D., Jain, R. (2018, October). WILD 5 Wellness: Results of a 90-day, Self-Directed Wellness Program in Individuals With a DSM-5 Diagnosis and Receiving Psychotropic Medications. Poster session presented at US Psych Congress Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
  • Rollin, D., Blakely, L., Tran, C., Dudley, R., Jain, S., Jain, R. (2018, October). Wellness Interventions for Life’s Demands (WILD-5 Wellness): Exercise, Mindfulness, Sleep, Social Connectedness, and Nutrition – Improving Mental and Physical Health Through Holistic Daily Behavior Change. Poster session presented at US Psych Congress Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
  • Jain, S., Rolin, D., Jain, R. (2017, September). Cognitive and Physical Function Improvements and Mood and Anxiety Improvements After Undergoing Wild 5 Wellness, a 30-day Wellness Intervention in Individuals Self-identified as Suffering from a Psychiatric Disorder. Poster session presented at US Psych Congress Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  • Jain, S., Jain, R. (2017, September). Application of Wild 5, a Wellness Intervention in Individuals Taking Psychotropic Medications Yet Have a Moderate or Higher Severity of Depression (PHQ-9 Score of 10 or Higher). Poster session presented at US Psych Congress Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  • Jain, S., Jain, R. (2017, September). Chronic Pain Patients on Opioids – Examining the Impact on Pain and Mental Illness Symptoms After a 30-Day WILD 5 Wellness Based Intervention. Poster session presented at US Psych Congress Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
  • Jain, S., Ordonez-Fall, K., Jain, R. (2019, October). Validity of the Spanish Language Version of the HERO Wellness Scale: Report from Mental Health Professionals and General Community. Poster session presented at US Psych Congress Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
  • Jain, S., Moore, N., Jain, R. (2019, October). Psychedelics and Wellness Study (PAWS): Psychedelic Use and Its Impact on Long-term Wellness and Holistic Mental Health & Behavioral Markers – Results from an Online Anonymous Nationwide Survey of Adults. Poster session presented at US Psych Congress Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.